When you are looking into getting Botox-here on Maui or anywhere else, it is important to pick from a selection of skilled Botox doctors who specialize in that area in order to ensure you get the best results and minimize your risk of side effects. Doctors and nurses, regardless of their medical specialty, are technically qualified to administer Botox injections. However, since Botox is actually equivalent to having a minor surgical procedure, it is best to seek out someone with surgical experience and knowledge, and even better if they are board certified in surgical sub-specialties.

The first thing that you should do when looking at different Botox doctors is to make a list of qualified providers in your area.

After you have a list, you should go through it, doing some research on the different doctors near you. You will want to look at things such as provider’s individual practice and professional records, their websites and patient reviews to decide who you will be the most comfortable going to. You may also want to give them a call to ask any questions that you may have before making your decision.

Finally, when you have narrowed down where you might want to go, you can call to schedule a consultation. This way you can meet the doctor in person, get a feel for their office and discuss things like desired results, what to expect from your treatment and cost.